Why we say Happy Day! Safe Safari!
Safety-Security-Situational Awareness
Traveling on Safari in Africa can be daunting. News of security issues, tourists whose travel leader is unfamiliar with the area, or simply trying to do it alone, may present challenges. Questions about safety may keep the otherwise adventurous traveler from Safari in Africa.
How my background and unique experiences in Africa keep YOU safe on Safari -
I have lived, worked and traveled all over East and Southern Africa - by myself! During my years working in South Sudan, an unaccompanied tour, receiving danger pay, I took extreme care for my safety. As I did when I worked in Manyoni, Tanzania - the only Westerner for a 100-mile radius.
Personally leading Safaris in Kenya and South Africa - that's me. Touring the beautiful parks in Uganda? Extensive travel and research in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Qatar? Again, alone and safely!
My situational awareness on Safari is born from years of working and traveling, alone, in Africa and in the Gulf States, In addition, this includes having traveled through the world extensively as a solo traveler. In 2015, I was nominated into the renowned The Explorer's Club, honoring the safe expeditions, field work, and travels I have completed.
I also know what it is like to see some of the most endangered species on Earth in person, on Safari. I want you too as well! It is possible to realize the dream of seeing these precious creatures and to be safe! My unique background is why I started Flyga Twiga. I have an exceptional training and skill set, combined with a passion for African Wildlife, to help enable YOU to have a safe, secure Safari.
My in-country partners are the best and safest local Safari providers and lodges - whom I know personally. While there is no guarantee of safety, regardless of where you are in the world, security was foremost in the selection of my local partners.
If you have more questions about our safety and security policies and procedures, please visit here to contact me.
I look forward to hearing from you!
Happy day! Safe safari!
Additional Field-Related Course Work
2017 Korean Red Cross CPR AED Certification. Click here for Certificate.
2014 American Red Cross Adult First Aid/CPR AED Certified, ID GQUX8G
2013 "Lost in Transition? Post-conflict Transitional Policing", Washington, DC
Selected as one of 60 participants accepted into the "Lost in Transition? Post-conflict Transitional Policing," workshop, which was co-sponsored by the Center of Innovation for Security Sector Governance of the United States Institute of Peace, The Collaborative & Adaptive Security Initiative of the US Naval Postgraduate School, and the Office of the Secretary of Defense of the US Department of Defense.
2013 Fleet Safety Management Workshop Fleet Forum, Aid & International Development Forum, Washington, DC
Fleet Forum management training addressing personal and organizational behavior as a key driver towards the reduction of road traffic accidents in developing countries. The workshop provided insight in fleet safety risk management, giving practical tools on how to mitigate fleet safety risks.
2012 Mine Risk Education (MRE) Course led by Mines Advisory Group (MAG) and hosted by NGO Forum, South Sudan
Course included how to recognize commonly found remnants of conflict, such as Unexploded Ordnance (UXO), Improvised Explosive Device (IED), Abandoned Explosive Ordnance (AXO), and Landmines. And, how to report a dangerous item, what to do in an emergency, known areas of contamination and accidents, warning clues and signs for mined areas, and how to keep others safe.
Distribution & Transportation, Logistics Management BUS 223
Danville Community College, Distance Learning
Ever been in this situation? We have!
Boma, Jonglei State, South Sudan © Flyga Twiga™ LLC